Using a Motor Controller to Drive a LED Chain

In a previous post I explored a technique to connect a chain of LEDs in parallel and enable the LEDs to blink alternatively in a series of animations using an H-Bridge. Since the H-Bridge is used extensively in motor controllers, in this post I take the experiment one level further and use an integrated motor controller to drive the LED chain.

Continue reading Using a Motor Controller to Drive a LED Chain

Bidirectional LED Driver

I became interested in a LED display I saw in a beer garden over Summer. The remarkable thing was that it was clearly LEDs on a bus of only two wires. Even so the LEDs were able to be animated such that they could blink in unison or every other alternatively. I was intrigued as to how this could be done.

The purpose of this project was to come up with a means to to alternately blink a chain of LEDs either in unison or alternately using only two wires. During the development, what I had not realised until quite late was, I was actually using a H-Bridge

Continue reading Bidirectional LED Driver